The Inverness Courier has been speaking to representatives from Nairn River, West and Suburban Councils on the issue of a single Community Council for the town.
Briefly the West and the Suburban want to see a single council for the town too with only the River against. Actually the River discussed the issue again tonight in the Laing Hall on Tuesday night and it seems that since a new Council has been reelected they will debate the issue again. Iain Fairweather was present and asked if the River Community Council was obliged to undertake consulation with the public on the matter. Hopefully they will!
Here's what John Mackie told the Inverness Courier:
"This consultation is not about John Mackie, Jean Tolmie or any of the other community councillors," he stressed. " It is about the folk of Nairn and what they want."
"We have been arguing for a single community council for a number of years because at the moment there are three different voices for the town and on some issues, like the A96, we are not singing from the same hymn sheet."
Briefly the West and the Suburban want to see a single council for the town too with only the River against. Actually the River discussed the issue again tonight in the Laing Hall on Tuesday night and it seems that since a new Council has been reelected they will debate the issue again. Iain Fairweather was present and asked if the River Community Council was obliged to undertake consulation with the public on the matter. Hopefully they will!
Here's what John Mackie told the Inverness Courier:
"This consultation is not about John Mackie, Jean Tolmie or any of the other community councillors," he stressed. " It is about the folk of Nairn and what they want."
"We have been arguing for a single community council for a number of years because at the moment there are three different voices for the town and on some issues, like the A96, we are not singing from the same hymn sheet."
The next few years are going to be very tough for anyone in public office as we face a terrible blight on our communities in the Highlands through council cuts
ReplyDeleteIn view of this situation it would be very positive for Nairn to have a single community council, but you have to question as to what influence or powers this one council might have, other than raising residents ire when they seem (will be) powerless to do very much to save services?
On a positive note the debate might make folk aware of the situation. I would hope that prospective Nairn Burgh councillors would speak of the difficult task we face and try and illuminate the public with the task they face
The council will have dwindling resources for many years so it would also be interesting as to how they would see the role of community councils. We certainly don't want a situation whereby a new community council is blamed for all the towns ills